About us

Message from the Principal's Desk
    Gomtu Middle Secondary School under Samtse Dzongkhag is located 70km away from Phuentsholing town via India. It is extremely in the south of Bhutan where two of the largest cement factories situates, thereby inhabiting the place into a small commercial town. With the school’s vision ‘To be a beacon par excellence in education with a high standard of Bhutanese values in the students and to nurture them into loyal, dedicated and productive subjects in the service of the Tsa-Wa- Sum’ we are categorically bracing up to meet the national goals and happier  that many of our programs are getting realized. As an institution of providing light and wisdom to our juvenile minds and hearts, we are determined to ensure best educational services in enhancing the overall performances of our children. Sharpening our focus on academic excellence, stipulation of sufficient classrooms, careful planning and effectual implementation, adequate resources, comfortable working ambiances, collaborative management systems are considered as our school’s top most priority. It is indeed a matter of deep honor and privilege for me to serve in this school supported by admirable teachers, diligently working from crack of dawn to the end of dusk with a common goal of molding and unfolding the delicate minds of our young children. We endeavor to hearten each child in taming a sense of self-assurance through school education which would eventually open their doors to new opportunities in fulfilling their dreams and for serving the nation.
      Gembo Rinzin, 

                                                   SCHOOL CONCEPTS

A School is a centre of learning that holds systems of academic betterment and socio-educational management. It is a community of students, teachers and parents. A society sustains the school in its academic programmes and overall grooming of the children. The school is established for achieving this noble purpose. The institution’s outlook advances the society’s progress. A school plays vital roles in molding students intellectually, emotionally, morally, socially and culturally. This is achieved by the boarder outlook of incumbents’ set goals, roles and responsibilities and a system of management with rules and regulations. Holding aspirants of the king, country and the people (TSA-WA-SUM), Gomtu School strives for sustainable development with clear purpose of education.


To be the beacon par excellence in education with high standard of Bhutanese values in the students to develop them into loyal, dedicated and productive subjects in the service of TSA-WA-SUM.

1.3. Definition of Vision statement.

We hold:

1.3 a   Education is the only torch to brighten the path to attain an enlightened
            living, the ultimate goal of human life on earth.
1.3 b   It is in the best quality thoughts and dedicated actions lies the best living.
1.3 c   Every child is endowed with certain gifts with which one can create one’s
            life and this world even more beautiful and wonderful, if further polished.
1.3.d  Value based education enhances hopes for life denouncing the negatives of
            the world.
1.3.e  It is in these thoughts and actions lies the enhanced self-esteem of every soul

We stand for quality education for quality living

1.5 Definition of Mission Statement
We commit to:
1.5 a   Provide value based training to the aspirants in various fields of knowledge
1.5 b   provide learning in the most conducive atmosphere to stimulate the
thoughts, rewarding the meritorious ones.
1.5 c   Prepare the aspirants to face the life with self-reliance rather than the
1.5 d   Implement the curriculum meticulously with more explorations.
1.5.e  Inculcate the sense of self- esteem, respect for others concerns and love for             nature among the spirants.
1.5 f    promote a health parent – school, parent – teacher relationship to achieve educational goals in the community.
1.5 g   Expose the school as a vital community centre with the privilege to bring up the set standards in the community.
 1.5 h  Promote self reliance among children to face the challenges of life.
1.5 i    Prepare the children to live with the values of cultural heritage of the Kingdom with a deep sense of patriotism.