Thursday 16 August 2018

News and Media Literacy Workshop

Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy trains families of armed force on News and Media Literacy

Coordinated by Media club in Gomtu MSS, Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy conducted two days’ workshop for families of armed force in collaboration with RBP Gomtu on 11th & 12th August, 2018.The program aimed at educating particular group of women on media literacy and making them critical analyzer of media contents online. “I didn't know sharing of offensive pictures and videos is crime prior to attending this workshop. Now I will not only stop sharing those contents but also stop liking on someone’s status without analyzing”, said a participant. 
“I am fortunate to get this workshop which help to identify fake news and propaganda made online. Now I will see the source and verify before consuming the news or any content from the net”, added another woman. A total of 30 women attended the workshop which was held in the conference at hall Gomtu MSS.

Reported by Media Club.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

International Youth Day

UNESCO club coordinates Comedian Talent show to observe International Youth Day.

The youths are not only the image of future of the nation but also an immediate agent for change in the community. To recognize and value the importance of their contribution, the UNESCO club in the school coordinated open comedian talent show amongst the students to observe International Youth Day on 12th August,2018. A total of six  groups presented their drama or short play which were made either on youth issues or types of culture we share in the community. “The main aims of this program is to create platform for our students to showcase their hidden talent and to develop their oratory skill in both English and Dzongkha language”, said Tshering Dema, the club coordinator. Responding to media club, a student said, “through this activity, I could really advance my confidence in facing the audience in any situation”. “I never used to come in the front earlier. With this comedian show, I have learnt lots of technique to face the crowd”, added another girl. This year’s International Youth Day was observed with the theme: Safe Space for Youth’. Observing this day would bring together to the children to discuss their diverse needs and decision making process.
Prepared by Media Club